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Admin Fun

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Staff Member
Community Team
Admin Fun

You can troll players on the server; however you can find use of the commands for something other than trolling.

To use this Admin Fun, have either OP permissions or the permissions listed below to use the commands!

/af announce <message>
Announces a message to all players in this format: [Announce] <text here>

/af bgod <message>
Sends a message to all players in this format: [GOD] <text here>

/af bherobrine <message>
Sends a message to all players in this format: [HEROBRINE] <text here>

/af broadcast <message>
Broadcasts a message to all players in chat

/af burn <player>
Sets another player on fire for a certain amount of time in seconds

/af confuse <player>
Confuses the chat of another player (sends random numbers & letters instead of their actual message)

/af console <message>
Sends fake messages like the console to all players

/af explode <player>
Explodes other users

/af fakejoin <fake player>
Sends a message to all players that a fake user has joined

/af help <1-3>
Shows all of the plugins commands

/af fakeop <player>
Sends a message to a player saying they have been OPed even though they weren't

/af fakequit <player>
Sends a message to all players that a fake user has left the server

/af freeze <player>
Freezes a player so they can't move

/af maxhealth <hearts>
Sets a players maxhealth

/af playerchat <player> <message>
Sends a message as another player

/af randomtp <troll/safe> <player>
Teleports a user to a random location

/af reload
Reloads the Admin Fun plugin

/af rocket <player>
Sends a player into the air like a rocket

/af spamcast <message>
Spams messages into the chat using this format: [SpamCast] <message>

/af swap <player1> <player2>
Swaps positions between two players

/af void <player>
Sends a player to the void

Description: Gives the user the announce command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the bgod command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the bherobrine command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the broadcast command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the burn command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the confuse command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the console command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the explode command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the fakejoin command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the fakeop command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the fakequit command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the freeze command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the maxhealth command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the playerchat command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the randomtp command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the reload command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the rocket command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the spamcast command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the sawp command
Default: op

Description: Gives the user the void command
Default: op

Description: Allows users to use all of the Admin Fun commands
Default: op
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