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Command Cooldowns - Basics

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Tree Puncher
In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to set cooldowns on your commands, delete the cooldowns and see the list of the cooldowns you’ve already set.

First off, to display every command that “Command Cooldowns” has, type /cmdcooldown

Now to set a cooldown, firstly think of a command that you want to add a cooldown on, then type /cmdcooldown set <command> <cooldown>
: The cooldown time has to be in seconds or else your cooldown will be too short. Also, don’t add a slash before the command that you want to make a cooldown on.
Example: /cmdcooldown set warp 120 (This will make so you can only run the command /warp every 2 minutes)

If you want to delete a cooldown you will have to type /cmdcooldown del <command>
: /cmdcooldown del warp (This will remove the cooldown from the command /warp)

If you want to see the list of every cooldown you’ve set, type /cmdcooldown list. (This command will display a list of every cooldown in the chat)

That’s it! If you follow the tutorial, you will know how to set cooldowns!