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Tree Puncher
Plugin: Plots

Create, manage, and build in protected plots! Keep your builds safe from griefers! Tutorial made by @Musty

To use this My Plots, you must have the plugin Multi World enabled.

After you buy the plugin, place a sign down and simply type this in:

Line 1: [WORLD]
Line 2: plots

Tap the sign to go to the world of Plots or do /tpworld plots

Note: Once you generate a plots world, only a rollback can delete it. And repair can reset it.

Main Commands

/plot addhelper <player> -
Allows another user to edit your Plot.

/plot removehelper <player> -
Removes the player who you gave permission to edit your land.

/plot auto -
Teleports you to an unclaimed Plot.

/plot biome <Plains/Desert/Mountains/Forest/Taiga/Swamp> -
Changes the biome of your Plot.

/plot claim -
Allows you to claim the Plot you are standing in.

/plot clear -
Clears your Plot, confirm it and your Plot will be empty.

/plot dispose -
Disposes your Plot, confirm it and your Plot will be unclaimed by you.

/plot reset -
Disposes and clears your Plot.

/plot give [name] -
Give ownership of your Plot to another user.

/plot home -
Fastest way to travel to your Plot, teleports you to your Plot.

/plot homes -
Shows the information of all your claimed Plots.

/plot info -
Shows the information of your Plot or someone elses Plot.

/plot name -
Sets or changes the name of your Plot.

/plot warp <X;Z> -
Teleport or warp to any Plot.

Main Perms

myplot.command -
Description: Allows users to use myplot features
Default: op

myplot.command.help -
Description: Displays all the available commands
Default: true

myplot.command.claim -
Description: Gives the claim command
Default: true

myplot.command.info -
Description: Gives the info command
Default: true

myplot.command.generate -
Description: Gives the generate command
Default: op

myplot.command.addhelper -
Description: Gives the addhelper command
Default: true

myplot.command.removehelper -
Description: Gives the removehelper command
Default: true

myplot.command.auto -
Description: Gives the auto command
Default: true

myplot.command.clear -
Description: Gives the clear command
Default: true

myplot.command.dispose -
Description: Gives the dispose command
Default: true

myplot.command.reset -
Description: Gives the reset command
Default: true

myplot.command.biome -
Description: Gives the biome command
Default: true

myplot.command.home -
Description: Gives the home command
Default: true

myplot.command.homes -
Description: Gives the homes command
Default: true

myplot.command.name -
Description: Gives the name command
Default: true

myplot.command.give -
Description: Gives the give command
Default: true

myplot.command.warp -
Description: Gives the warp command
Default: true

myplot.admin -
Description: Grant administrator powers
Default: op

myplot.admin.clear -
Description: Allow clear command on every plot
Default: op

myplot.admin.dispose -
Description: Allow dispose command on every plot
Default: op

myplot.admin.reset -
Description: Allow reset command on every plot
Default: op

Description: Allow addhelper command on every plot
Default: op

myplot.admin.removehelper -
Description: Allow removehelper command on every plot
Default: op

myplot.admin.build -
Description: Allow player to build outside his own plots
Default: op

Description: Allow player to build on all plots
Default: op

myplot.admin.build.road -
Description: Allow player to build on the road
Default: op

myplot.admin.name -
Description: Allows player to change the name of every plot
Default: op

myplot.admin.warp -
Description: Allow player to warp to unclaimed plots
Default: op

myplot.admin.biome -
Description: Allow player to use the biome command on all plots
Default: op

myplot.claimplots -
Description: Allows players to claim X plots
Default: false

myplot.claimplots.2 -
Description: Allow a player to claim 2 plots
Default: true

myplot.claimplots.unlimited -
Description: Allow player to claim unlimited plots
Default: op

I hope you enjoy the plugin and that it benefits your server.