• Minecraft 1.16.220 Update + Bug/Crash Fixes
    Added MCPE 1.16.220 version and fixed crashes for multiple plugins. You can view the full changelist here.
  • Forum Updates - 4/11/2021
    Various changes have been made to the forums and a few categories. You can view the full changelist here.

Rankup System (PlayerGroups)

Hello , there have been no replies in this thread for more than 30 days.
Please make sure you have a valid reason before you reply to this thread or you may face moderation action.
The pastebin link below will have all of the information you need to know on it, as well as the code! Make sure to read what's at the top so that you don't get confused. If you do get confused, add me on discord and ask me any questions you have. I'll do my best to help! (BruhBaby#0001)

Rankup (PlayerGroups) Code